One Piece Pick Up Lines

One Piece Pick Up Lines

Did you just use haki on me? Because I can hardly breath when you are near me.
I’m worth 600 million beri, you can spend me as much as you want.
I had the gomu-gomu fruit, the effect is small, but if you come with me, I’ll show you that it can really stretch.
You know Chopper can do guard point, kung fu point, heavy point and all, I can’t do them, but I’ve got one point, and it’s really strong. Boner point!
Soru! I just moved my hips real fast I bet you can’t see it moving. Want to try it on the bed?
GOMU GOMU no… Boner Pistolu! My giganto pistol is way different than Luffy’s if you know what I mean.
Ice Age! Weird, why is my power ain’t working.
I’ve come a long way for One Piece. Finally, I’ve found you.
It’s decided, I’ll be the pirate king one day, and you’ll be my pirate queen today.
Are you one of the Shichibukai? Because they say, one of them is the most beautiful lady.
Want to set sail with Thousand Sunny? You’ll be my sea, and I’ll be your ship.
Are you a pirate or a marine? Either way, I think you’ve captured my heart.
Where are you from? I’m from East Blue? Want to go to the New World together? It’s just in my room.
I need to harbour near you, don’t know why but my log post just went crazy.
Can you help me to navigate my ship? Because I’m lost without you.
Tekkai! It’s gotten hard if you know what I mean.
I can be your cook if you can be my lady.
You’ve just stolen my heart, even tho I don’t have a heart. Yohohohoho!
I wanted to draw the map of the world, but your body has a nicer contour. To avoid mistake, I need to measure it without the clothes on.
Do you want to join my crew? Together we can rock the bedroom.
How can you not be on the wanted list? I would certainly want you.
Baby, I’d kill a sea monster for you.